Public’s Favourites of the Food Film Menu 2022 revealed

The short films Welcome to the Farm – Les Cabres d’en Peyu from Catalonia, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2016, and Let’s Go to Aseer from Aseer, World Region of Gastronomy awarded 2024 were selected as Public’s Favourite European Film and Public’s Favourite World Film respectively in the framework of the International Food Film Menu 2022, organised by IGCAT in collaboration with the European and World Regions of Gastronomy Platforms.

Directed by Karavan Films for Prodeca, Les Cabres d’en Peyu (Peyu’s Goats) is part of the Welcome to the Farm series of short videos about small producers in Catalonia who open their doors to visitors to share their work in the field, pasture, farm or workshop and to show how the food we eat is produced and reaches our tables.

Les Cabres d’en Peyu was shortlisted by an international jury of experts as the Best Food Film showcasing Food-related Visitor Experiences or Food Gifts from the Regions of Gastronomy. It was then selected out of 10 finalists as Public’s Favourite Film from the Awarded European Regions of Gastronomy of the Food Film Menu 2022 through a people’s vote launched on social media by IGCAT on 26-30 September 2022.

“Welcome to the Farm / Les Cabres d’en Peyu is a video that stands out because these two young farmers started the farm from zero (not having inherited the farm but rather making a lifestyle choice). It is also about quality and environmentally friendly production and tells about how natural farming can have other benefits such as, when the goats clear forests and help prevent forest fires or, how local products contribute to circular economies. The filming was good with a very focussed story. The editing is excellent with interesting glitchy overlays” affirmed jury member Raúl Torres at the first selection stage.

Created by Nora Al Rayes Production, Let’s Go to Aseer focuses on Aseer region and shows its beautiful nature and magical culture, as well as the generosity of its people.

Shortlisted by the jury as the Best Food Film showcasing a Nominated, Candidate or Awarded World Region of Gastronomy from the MENA Region, the film was then selected by the people’s vote as Public’s Favourite Film from the Nominated, Candidate or Awarded World Region of Gastronomy of the Food Film Menu 2022.

Let’s Go To Aseer is a fast moving contemporary promotion of the endearing ancestral cuisine and culture in Aseer, World Region of Gastronomy 2024. The uplifting production, beautiful images, beautiful dancing and beautiful harmonies conspire to show the gastronomy, nature and cultural life of Aseer. Tradition and modernity come together and create a great happy vibe for the audience” commented jury member Robert Ngoun.

The announcement of the Food Film Menu 2022 Public’s Favourite Films took place during the 9th Annual IGCAT Experts Meeting on Engaging Young Minds held on 20 October 2022.

2nd and 3rd Public’s Favourite European Films

Lakani from South Aegean, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2019, shortlisted in the European Young Chefs category, was selected as 2nd Public’s Favourite European Film.

“Lakani features the passing of knowledge from one generation to another. The overall cinematography is impeccable and colour grading amazing. The story shows the connection between food and nature, and tradition into modern life, bringing in not just the old recipes, but the whole tools, smells and senses that go into a whole new creation,” highlighted jury member Mai Damgaard Rasmussen.

3rd Public’s Favourite European Film was awarded to A Million Food Stories – Honey from Coimbra Region, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2021-22, winner of the Food Gifts from the Regions of Gastronomy category.

A Million Food Stories – Honey is an excellently filmed documentary that relates the importance of bees and honey. It also explains the role of a cooperative in supporting bee farmers, providing science, research and sustaining quality expected from the geographical indicator label. It then links to the gastronomic scene in Coimbra Region as European Region of Gastronomy 2021-2022, and shows a Chef Ambassador for the region demonstrating the versatility of honey and honey-related products such as pollen. Very good lighting on interview shots and beautiful product shots” explained jury member Diane Dodd.

2nd and 3rd Public’s Favourite World Films

The prize for 2nd Public’s Favourite World Film went to The Kingdom of Milk and the Sun from Zugdidi-Sagremelo, Nominated World Region of Gastronomy 2025 (Georgia). Directed and produced by Saba Janjghava, this short film tells about the impressions of two girls who are friends and visit Zugdidi for the first time and taste the masterpieces of the local gastronomy. It was shortlisted by the jury as Best Food Film showcasing a Nominated, Candidate or Awarded World Region of Gastronomy from Caucasus.

The Kingdom of Milk and the Sun tries to evoke home video footage with professional film footage to deliver memories and emotions from a journey into Zugdidi-Samegrelo, nominated candidate World Region of Gastronomy 2025. The latter part of the film shows how the visitors take part in the preparation of appealing traditional and natural food from the region. In my opinion, the colours and lighting of this exotic cuisine are very good and appetising. Worthy of a prize!” reported jury member Lluis Valentí.

Finally, 3rd Public’s Favourite World Film was awarded to Saimaa European Region of Gastronomy Candidate 2024 – Jury Visit – Part 2 from Saimaa, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2024,* winner of the category Best Food Film showcasing a Nominated, Candidate or Awarded World Region of Gastronomy from Europe.

Created by Säynevirta Photography, this short film is part of a series of three videos that were filmed during the European Region of Gastronomy Jury Visit in the Saimaa Region, 20-22 June 2022. International guests are taken on a journey to meet the hospitable people of the local villages and cities and to experience the pristine waters and forests of the region.

“This film is the 2nd part from a trilogy that demonstrates the multiple stakeholders involved in developing a bid for Saimaa, European Region of Gastronomy 2024 Award. The trilogy represents the natural, cultural and gastronomical assets of the aspiring region. This 2nd part has the most beautiful camera angles, movements and shots that provide a wonderful image of the beautiful region. Exceptional given this was shot live (i.e. is not staged). The food shots in particular are excellent and the colour grading is spectacular throughout. Light, welcoming, friendly and beautiful surroundings” stated jury member Robert Ngoun.

*Saimaa region was officially approved as European Region of Gastronomy 2024 on 4 October 2022, after the submission of their short film and consequent announcement as a category winner of the Food Film Menu 2022. Therefore, the short film “Saimaa European Region of Gastronomy Candidate 2024 – Jury Visit – Part 2” was considered in the Nominated or Candidate World Regions of Gastronomy category.

IGCAT’s International Food Film Menu 2022 included 10 categories: European Regions of GastronomyEuropean Young ChefsFood-related Visitor Experiences from the Regions of Gastronomy; Food Gifts from the Regions of GastronomyNew Food TrendsEnvironment, Sustainability and FoodYoung Farmers and Fishermen; Nominated, Candidate or Awarded World Regions of Gastronomy from the MENA Region; from Caucasus; from Europe.

A committee of international experts in the food, culture and film sectors selected one winning short film in each category, which now form the Food Film Menu 2022, to be showcased in different international film festivals.

Chaired by Mai Damgaard Rasmussen, Director of the FoodFilmFestival in Aarhus (Denmark), the jury included: Lluís Valentí, Director of the Girona Film Festival (Spain); Diane Dodd PhD, President of IGCAT (UK); Robert Ngoun, Performing Arts expert and CEO of Beutara (Cameroon/France); Lina Al-Khaled, Tourism expert (Jordan); and Raúl Torres, Communications Manager and Digital Content Creator at IGCAT (Colombia).

About IGCAT’s International Food Film Menu

IGCAT’s Food Film Menu contributes to internationally promote local food products, know-how, traditions and new trends related to gastronomy and crafts; encourage film directors to become ambassadors for their regions; and stimulate awareness of food and cultural diversity.

According to director Ljubomir Stefanov, official ambassador for the project, “IGCAT’s Food Film Menu is a wonderful initiative that raises awareness about food’s vital role in local sustainable development.”

To increase the visibility of the Food Film Menu, IGCAT collaborates with several international film festival and cultural institutions including: the FoodFilmFestival in Aarhus; Girona Film FestivalEATSA Art & Tourism Film FestivalART&TUR International Tourism Film FestivalAmorgos Tourism Film Festival; and NNLE Youth Palace of Zugdidi Municipality.

All category winners of the Food Film Menu 2022 are available here:

Food Film Menu 2022

Watch the winners of the previous editions:

Food Film Menu 2021

Food Film Menu 2020

About the European/World Regions of Gastronomy

Candidate and awarded European/World Regions of Gastronomy, guided by IGCAT, are working together to strengthen food security through the celebration of distinctive food cultures; create employment by stimulating creativity and gastronomic innovation; nourish children and adults through culinary and cultural education; drive environmental sustainability in tourism, hospitality and agricultural sectors; support balance and sustainable tourism practices; highlight and support expertise from within rural and urban communities, creating connections and sharing good practises; and contribute to community health and well-being.


IGCAT aims to empower local communities by raising awareness of the importance to protect and promote distinct regional food, culture, arts and natural assets as part of sustainable and balanced tourism and development strategies. This is essential to safeguard our planet, health, wellness and local economies.

IGCAT is a non-profit institute established in 2012, working with regional stakeholder consortiums in the fields of gastronomy, culture, arts and tourism. It counts on the expertise of a worldwide network of experts and works in partnership with specialised intergovernmental organisations.

IGCAT founded the European and World Region of Gastronomy Award and is the official secretariat for the World and European Regions of Gastronomy Platforms. Furthermore, the Institute has developed the European Young Chef Award, the World Food Gift Challenge, the Top Websites for Foodie Travelers Award and the Food Film Menu.