Rodgers Nsama Kazembe – Zambia

Rodgers Nsama Kazembe

Expert hospitality consultant, Chairman of ZAMCOM Lodge and Trustee of Zamcom Trust

Rodgers N. Kazembe is an expert hotelier, author and consultant with over 30 years of experience in hospitality and tourism operations at a national and international level, in Zambia, UK, Netherlands and the Republic of South Africa.

He currently runs his own company (KRN Hospitality Consultancy) as a consultant in the hospitality and tourism sector and is a part-time tutor at the University of Zambia (Department of Food Science and Technology – Human Nutrition Programme), Chreso University and UNICAF University (Faculty of Tourism & Hospitality Management Lusaka).

Rodgers Kazembe is a graduate of both Stenden University (Netherlands) & London Metropolitan University (UK) with a Master of Arts in International Hospitality Management. He also completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Hotel and Catering Administration in Manchester Metropolitan University and holds a Diploma in Food Hygiene from the Royal Food Society (UK).

He holds a Fellow Membership (FIH) and is the current Chairman of the Institute of Hospitality (UK), having previously served as Ambassador for Africa-South Region. He was also admitted as a Member to the Royal Institute of Public Health (MRIPH) and to the Institute of Human Resources in Zambia. Besides other portfolios, he was awarded an Honorary Judges Award at the West African Tourism & Hospitality Awards 2012, Lagos-Nigeria.

Rodgers Kazembe is also an Expert with the Zambian National Higher Education Authority and continues to sit on various boards and committees including;

  • Ministry of Tourism and Arts-Licensing and Authorisation Committee for Tourism enterprises (Zambia);
  • UNESCO Mission BEAR Project;
  • TEVETA steering committee for the formulation of skills training strategy in the Construction and Tourism industries for Zambia;
  • UNWTO Congress on Local Hospitality and Tourism Preparation Committee Member;
  • RETOSA (SADCC) as elected Chairperson for the Regional Tourism Quality Standards and Skills Development subcommittee representing Zambia.

Furthermore, Rodgers Kazembe serves as Chairman for ZAMCOM Lodge, Trustee of ZAMCOM TRUST (Zambia Institute of Mass Communication Trust), Vice-chair for WorldSkills Zambia and as Restaurant Service Expert for WorldSkills International.