Dr. Joost Smiers – Netherlands

Dr.  Joost Smiers

Professor of Political Science – Utrecht University of the Arts, the Netherlands

Dr. Joost Smiers is a Professor (em.) of Political Science and Research Fellow at the Utrecht University of the Arts (Netherlands) and former Visiting Professor, Department of World Arts and Cultures, UCLA, Los Angeles, and Director of Research at the Utrecht School of the Arts. He has lectured around the world and written extensively about topics such as cultural decision making, intellectual property and freedoms of expression. His recent efforts have focused on why intellectual property rights should be abolished and why too powerful transnational corporations should be cut in many controllable pieces while using a new pro-active, socially oriented competition policy.  One of his last books, written together with Pieter Pekelharing and John Huige, is «Breaking Up Megacorporations. Radicalize Competition Policy, Abolish Patents and Copyrights, Stop Corporate Crime».

His last book is an essay entitled Trump is not the Only Problem.….. Solutions for an Unfair World. Joost Smiers is currently preparing a book on corporate impunity and what to do about it on a global scale. The other book he is working on concerns roaming noise levels and other undesired sounds, and to whom belongs the public space. Joost lives in Amsterdam, on one of the canals in a house dating back to around 1600.

Recently, Dr. Joost wrote an essay on an urgent issue, in line with his research on why we do not need to have copyrights, «Pharmaceutical research does not need big pharma» 

Book: Imagine there is no copyright and no cultural conglomerates too
