Greece has potential to be frontrunner in Sustainable Tourism Development

The secretary-general of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Taleb Rifai, described Greece’s tourism performance in the last two years, adding that the country stands out as a prime example of a world tourism success story “despite the hurdles”.

Speaking at a day event organized by the tourism ministry and the Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO) in Athens last week focusing on extending the tourism season to attract visitors 365 days a year and enhancing Greece as a sustainable tourism destination, Rifai noted the strong position that the country has managed to establish in international tourism, as well as the potential to be a frontrunner in sustainable tourism development in the coming years, and congratulated the ministry and the country’s tourism professionals for the progress achieved.

“Our role and main responsibility as ministry is to create the framework, lay out the conditions and pave the way so that the private sector can grow, take action and enter beneficial partnerships,” said Tourism Minister Elena Kountoura, adding that “Greece now emerges as a very strong proposal for tourism and investment.”

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