Prof. Philippe Poirrier – France

Prof. Philippe Poirrier – France

Prof. Philippe Poirrier

Professor of Contemporary History – University of Burgundy

Philippe Poirrier is aProfessor of contemporary history at the University of Burgundy (Dijon, France) and associate researcher at the Centre d’histoire culturelle des sociétés contemporaines of the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin in Yvelines. His research interests include history of public policies for culture in France, especially from the 20th century, history of heritage policies, the history of social sciences, notably cultural history.

His book published in 2011, “Pour une histoire des politiques culturelles dans le monde. 1945-2011″ – (“For a History of Cultural Policies in the World. 1945-20112), analyzed and drew a synthesis of the main developments since the Second World War, characterizing the policy of strengthening the culture of the world. In the other book published in 2010, “Politiques et pratiques de la culture” – (“Policies and Practices of Culture”), Philippe and the co-authors of the edited volume offer a complete and documented analysis of reforms in a large area of public policy and cultural policy, by going beyond a purely institutional perspective and studying policies and practices of culture in a way that involves history, sociology and economics and the debate on the specifics of the “French cultural model”.

Philippe is also a member of the Centre Georges Chevrier (UMR Cnrs 5605), in charge of the “heritage” centre of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Dijon, a member of the History Committee of the Ministère de la Culture, and Chief Editor of the review U-Culture(s). He is responsible for the monthly electronic newsletter of the Association for the development of cultural history (Adhc).

Philippe Poirrier. “Dijon, ville d’art et capitale de la gastronomie. L’invention d’une image urbaine (1919-1935)” – “Dijon, city of art and capital of gastronomy. The invention of an urban image (1919-1935)”.

French Cultural Studies, 2014, 25 (3-4), pp.357-365:

28 January 2016