Slow Food in the Nordic Countries: strenghtening a regional coalition

Regional cooperation between the convivia of the Nordic Countries started in 2009 and has come a long way in the past 10 years. The most visible event to have come out of this collaboration was Terra Madre Nordic, which took place in Copenhagen in April 2018, in “Kødbyen”, and presented more than 80 producers, 20 degustations and 20-something debates, to more than 5,000 visitors. To recreate the success of Terra Madre Nordic (supported financially by the Nordic Minister Council), around 30 members from the different Nordic countries met on the first weekend of March in Ulvik, a Cittá Slow on the magnificent Hardanger fjord in Norway, in order to coordinate and discuss the future of Slow Food activities in the region.

The meeting took place thanks to the generous hospitality of Slow Food Hardanger and especially Pål Drønen in the remarkable school of Hjeltnes, which is the first school in the Nordic Countries to offer a 3-year course (which soon will be condensed to 2 years) in Local Food Culture and Gastronomy, recognized by the Norwegian Ministry of Education. It is the second time that Ulvik hosts a Nordic meeting, an honor well justified by the richness of local food and ingredients such as apples, saltfish, lamb, goat, and much more. Accommodation was provided at the best possible rate, both within the school and in other establishments in Ulvik, to give everyone the opportunity to come.

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