IGCAT contributes to the VACuM training project organized by Visegrad Summer School Academy in Krakow (Poland)

The Visegrad Academy of Cultural Management (VACuM) is a new international educational initiative based on cooperation of Villa Decius Association with Marcel Hicter Association for Cultural Democracy from Brussels and supporting partners from Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine. The project is addressed to young culture managers working in public and private institutions and non-governmental organizations in the Visegrad Group countries and Eastern Partnership.

The Academy’s programme encompasses current economic, political and social issues of Europe, used to deepen the knowledge on creating and implementing social, economic and cultural policy and development of managerial competences in the area of managing local issues and international cooperation. The project substantially contributes to the establishment and strengthening of cooperation among participants of the Visegrad Group and countries from Eastern Partnership and emergence of numerous joint projects in the future.

IGCAT will contribute a full day of training to introduce the participants to foundation and corporate support for culture and deepening evaluation skills. IGCAT believes that understanding the political, economical, social, educational, technological and environmental issues thta matter to funding agencies (public, private or 3rd sector) and positioning cultural endeavous effectively is an important area of fundraising. Thus, the sessions will explore how to make the right arguments by using smart evaluation techniques.


For more information visit: http://www.visegradsummerschool.org/news/2014/apply-vacum-training-young-culture-managers-krak%C3%B3w-prague-and-tbilisi