Third visit to Plovdiv 2019

IGCAT experts, Robert Palmer and Mary Miller paid a visit to Plovdiv last week to support their bid for European Capital of Culture 2019. During the visit in Bulgaria they provided advice, help and support to thePlovdiv 2019 Foundation and City stakeholders, in order bring our the best in the bid which is now in the second round. The visit included a number of interviews, discussions, workshops and presentations.

This time there was more concentration on ‘practical implementation’, on realizing the finance, on establishing a robust management structure, on the coordination of partners, and on the active participation of citizens. They were comparing Plovdiv’s approach to that of the other 3 competing cities in terms of its ‘special character and distinction’, the ‘inattentiveness of ideas’, as well as Plovdiv’s  links to European issues.

This visit was the final part of a training package designed by ART-idea and International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism, for more information visit ECOC support and training.