Slime time! Action for our rivers

It’s shocking, but right now, 70% of monitored rivers are too polluted to swim in. Companies like Ravensdown are driving industrial dairying and making our rivers sick, all so they can make a quick buck.

Use of synthetic fertiliser has increased 627% since 1990 and in that time the dairy herd has more than doubled. The effects on our rivers are devastating. Nitrates from synthetic fertiliser and cow urine, create slimy algal blooms, suck the life out of waterways and threaten the safety of our drinking water.

Matt Coffey grew up near Selwyn Huts, on the banks of the Selwyn/Waikirikiri River. Several swimming spots along the Selwyn have warnings against swimming.

“I grew up on and around the Selwyn River. In boats, fishing, catching cockabillies. But that’s all gone nowadays. My nephews can’t do that any more. My sister was living at Selwyn Huts but had to move out because she couldn’t keep the kids out of the river,” says Matt.

Right now, [New Zealand’s] Government is deciding on new freshwater rules. If we get it right, these rules could cap the amount of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser that’s put on the land, stemming the flow into our rivers and thwarting companies like Ravensdown.

Sign Greenpeace’s petition calling for a ban on Synthetic Nitrogen Fertiliser to save our rivers!

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