Harghita recommended for the title of European Region of Gastronomy 2027

Harghita recommended for the title of European Region of Gastronomy 2027

An international jury comprising of four international experts, accompanied by IGCAT’s President, Diane Dodd PhD considered the application of Harghita region for the title European Region of Gastronomy 2027. After reviewing the bid book: Harghita submitted on 31 May 2024, the jury visited the region, 6-11 October 2024. The aim of the visit was to assess the region’s appropriateness and readiness to host the title in 2027.  The jury will prepare a comprehensive report with recommendations to support the region’s journey.

During the visit, the jury met with more than 100 stakeholders from across the region such as tourism directors, local authorities, heritage experts, academics, business representatives, educationalists and local non-governmental entities concerned with the development and protection of Harghita’s culture and contributors to the region’s bid. The jury was pleased to get to know so many stakeholders from public, private, third sector and academic institutions and applauded the efforts of all involved from many sectors in the strategies and plans for the region.

General comments

The jury were impressed with the preservation of the landscape, the harmoniously coexisting cultures and the preservation of the Hungarian language.  They felt that this has provided the basis for a strong sense of authentic and vibrant living traditions. They noted that the people they met have a close connection with the land, appreciation of quality food products and this offers a solid foundation for sustainable tourism development, where gastronomic practices can be preserved and integrated with modern approaches.

The jury was impressed by how the vision for Harghita, candidate European Region of Gastronomy 2027 has been inspired and reinforced by the development work of Harghita County Council, together with its sub-institutions, that together have created the conditions for slow, green and family-friendly tourism. Food has been on the public agenda since 2022 when Harghita Community Development Association dedicated 2022 as the Year of Gastronomy.

In particular, the jury commended the work of Harghita Community Development Association and Visit Harghita/ADI Harghita, who with various partners, developed the Family-Friendly Certification Scheme that has already enlisted 157 supporting entities including 65 accommodation facilities, 29 restaurants, 51 tourism programmes and 12 tourist attractions. The jury feel this concept could be extended through to other sectors and adopted in relationship to a “good food for all” concept, ensuring all children have access to natural and healthy diets. The increasing interest to preserve the wellness of local citizens as well as their landscapes, food and culture is completely coherent with the work of many exciting initiatives in the region. Notably the jury would like to applaud:

The Szekler Product Trademark (Székelytermék / Prodes Secuiesc / Sekler Product) created by the Development Agency of Harghita County, which recognizes 202 small producers and over 1400 local products;

The Little Gardeners Project (Kiskertész program / Micul grădinar) by the Rural Development Association of Harghita County Council, engaging 3,500 school children into gardening to learn about local plant varieties;

The Local Gastronomy Points. These are units in private kitchens in rural houses, where culinary products are prepared and served to guests according to recipes specific to the area for up to 12 people at a time. Two-thirds of the food served must be made from local ingredients. The culinary products are traditionally prepared using ingredients from local farms. This is an excellent example of a regulated effort to support families in rural communities as well as an incredible example of regenerative tourism.

Aside from the County, from the public sector the jury were also heartened to see so many villages and towns supporting the bid and wish to thank: Miercurea Ciuc/ Csíkszereda municipality, Gheorgheni/ Gyergyószentmiklós municipality, Odorheiu Secuiesc/ Székelyudvarhely municipality and Praid/ Parajd municipality for their commitment to ensuring that local food is given priority at all public events.

From the academic sector the jury appreciated that Harghita has a whole range of public, subsidized and private educational initiatives including remarkable examples such as: the Sapientia University, Pangastro Course Academy, Taste of Transylvania Culinary Academy and Boro Info Group among other institutions. A combination that guarantees a kaleidoscope of opportunities for all ages; amateurs and professionals; and across the entire region.

On this note, the jury noted the exceptional amount of gastronomy related literature ranging from the Franciscan cookbook that laid the foundation for the region’s rich, sustainable and diverse gastronomy, as well as many other cookbooks of exceptional quality, and notably the Székely Konyha és Kert monthly magazine (Szekler Kitchen and Garden) and the Cofetarul Brutarul Revista.

It was also wonderful to see how many non-governmental and religious organisations are working with the same values and principles as IGCAT and are thus examples of good practice such as:

Gyulafehérvári Caritas Vidékfejlesztés, an outstanding educational farm that since 1993 supports small-scale farmers and the local agricultural community. The farm offers workshops, trainings and other educational and hands-on experiences – every municipality needs one!

Jakab Antal Ház Caritas, a social enterprise focused on making a positive impact on the local community, serving more than 1,000 meals daily, they collaborate to supporting several local producers as well as supporting people in need.

Helyénvaló Helyi, an outstanding social enterprise supporting local small producers. Their shop features around 1,000 products sourced from over 100 producers within 75 km of the city.

There are many others also supporting the bid including the Association of Hosts in Ciuc/Csík; Association of Szekler Farmer Groups (Székely Gazdaszervezetek Egyesülete) and the Armenian Community House. The jury are grateful to them all for spending time to share their projects and perspectives.

Possibilities for private sector development are enormous and we want to compliment Harghita Business Centre that fosters a dynamic entrepreneurial environment and offers support to local young start-ups. It is also welcoming to see many high-quality family food businesses such as Ribon, and Jami distillery, for leading the way and showing how local food can be a source of income for future enterprises. The jury also commended the ambitions of the newly formed Hospitality and Tourism Patronage in Odorheiu Secuiesc/Székelyudvarhely who will be able to make a big difference to visitor accessibility to local products by making products available in their minibars and breakfasts.

The jury agreed that one of the strongest assets is the sheer quantity and quality of festivals in the region, these serve as a continuous celebration of heritage —especially intangible cultural heritage—, providing a platform where popular, traditional and contemporary culture and gastronomy can be celebrated. The jury are assured that there is much knowledge and experience in building different food events with an international quality within the region, looking at for example: AtFest, Taste Transylvania and Expo GastroPlan. The jury also noted the potential of the salt mine as an extraordinary venue for special events.

The jury noted the great role that the hospitality sector is playing and the jury observed outstanding examples of traditional hospitality in Harghita, which blend authenticity with a modern touch. Notably, Zsigmond Malom Inn in Csikmadaras for authentic heritage breakfasts; Almarium Restaurant in Homorodalmas exemplify a heritage and innovative food fusions, providing experiences that honor heritage while feeling also contemporary; cross-cultural (Hungarian, Romanian and Armenian) culinary offerings at K&K Bistro in Gyergyoszentmiklos and; creative gourmet experiences at Páva Restaurant in Szekelyudvarhely.

These are exceptional experiences but the jury wishes to thank everyone that provided spectacular food, hospitality,  and insightful guides throughout the visit and especially: Sasfészek, Szekler Border Guard Memorial, Szekler Museum of Ciuc in Mikó Castle, Hotel Fenyő, Soskut Fantana Sarata (a historic salt well and bathhouse), Ugron Castle, Septimia Hotel, Mini Transilvania, Hotel Küküllő-Târnava, and Praid/Parajd’s Salt Mine and especially Magenta Tours with early examples of experiential tourism activities, such as chimney cake baking and traditional amadou leather -making, which began over a decade ago, show  a forward-thinking mindset. Harghita’s culinary landscape demonstrated its breadth and depth.

All these businesses and initiatives suggest that Harghita has the opportunity to continue further developing its tourism offerings, combining its rich heritage with contemporary experiences to attract and delight visitors from the country, region and beyond and expanding the job and business opportunities of the local populations.

Furthermore, the range of quality products, knowledge of provenance and creative use of local herbs all combine to offer a plentiful supply of delicious flavours with great potential. The Jury was very impressed with the quality of the Harghita cheeses: from mountain plateau micro businesses to the exceptional Artisanal Cheese Workshop at Gheorgheni with its impressive dairy & kitchen gardens. The extraordinary natural wealth & biodiversity of Harghita’s extensive meadows is outstanding. There is also a cognisance of the importance of native breeds, seed varieties & wild ingredients, all contributing to the unique food culture of this region.

The jury noted the important commitment across all stakeholders to protect and promote regional food, as well as their efforts to raise the visibility of the candidacy.  The jury also noted that there is already considerable evidence of waste reduction and awareness of the importance of using sustainable methods of food production, such as solar energy and creative uses for by-products that ensures a sustainable approach for the future.

The jury furthermore wanted to thank each and every person they met, each that are working together for the region and have collectively created a wonderful impression of Harghita as a hidden gastronomic gem just waiting to be discovered:

Károly Szabó, Executive Director ADI Harghita

Róbert Biró, Assistant Project Manager ADI Harghita

Zelinda Páll, PR and Marketing Specialist ADI Harghita

Zsolt Mezey, Project Manager ADI Harghita

Zoltán Szakács, Operations Officer Szekler Border Guard Memorial Center

Enikő Sógor, Vice-mayor Mayor’s Office Miercurea Ciuc/Csíkszereda

Béla Bors, Vice-mayor Mayor’s Office Miercurea Ciuc/Csíkszereda

Orsolya Juhász-Borsa, Head of Economic Development and Digitalisation Office Mayor’s Office Miercurea Ciuc/Csíkszereda

Kinga Prigye, Head of Unit for Culture, Education, Sport and Youth Mayor’s Office Miercurea Ciuc/Csíkszereda

Gyöngyvér Mara, Vice-rector, professor, Department of Bioengineering Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania

Ede Lázár Decan, Docent, Department of Business Sciences Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania

Benedek Nagy, Adjunct, Department of Business and Management Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania

Csaba Lőrincz, Publication Manager, Honline Media, Szekler Kitchen and Garden

Ferenc Orbán, Editor in charge, Honline Media, Szekler Kitchen and Garden

Csongor László, Executive Director Rural Development Association of Harghita County Council

Szidónia Bartis, Manager Project Development Agency of Harghita County

Etelka Tódor, President Association of Hosts in Ciuc/Csík

Judit Potyó, Owner, Cook Sasfészek Local Gastronomic Point

Zsuzsa Bodó, Cook Sasfészek Local Gastronomic Point

Gizella Bodó, Cook Sasfészek Local Gastronomic Point

István Becze, President Association of Szekler Farmer Group

Szende Miklós, Project Manager of Szekler Farmer Group

Hargita Szász, Communication specialist of Szekler Farmer Group

Angéla Imre, Financial officer of Szekler Farmer Group

Zoltán Gáll, Executive director Csengő Cooperative

Róbert András, President Forest Owners Association

Péter Tankó, Executive Director Tatros Cooperative

György Hatos, Beekeeper Village administrator, Cristuru Secuiesc/Székelykeresztúr

Előd János, Pálinka expert Pálinka destillery, Delnița/Csíkdelne

Angéla Ferencz, Director Cultural Center of Harghita County

Előd Szőcs, Chef, gastronomy consultant Csíkcsomortán Cooperative

Levente Gál, Owner Zsigmond Malom Inn

Timea Gál, Owner, cook Zsigmond Malom Inn

Ferdinánd János, Founder Ribon Natúr Cooperative

Szidónia Gábor, Production Manager Ribon Natúr Cooperative

Zoltán Nagy, Mayor Mayor’s Office of Gheorgheni/Gyergyószentmiklós

Róbert Ruszu Tour guide Mayor’s Office of Gheorgheni/Gyergyószentmiklós

Zsombor Magyari, Youngster with Armenian ancestors Armenian Community House

Géza Hodgyai, Marketing specialist Armenian Community House

László Kulcsár, Director Armenian Community House

Zsombor Keresztes, Owner K&K Bistro

Attila Keresztes, Owner K&K Bistro

Réka Köllő, Project manager Caritas Artisanal Cheese Workshop

László Kémenes, Project manager Caritas Artisanal Cheese Workshop

István Baricz, Agricultural Engineer Caritas Artisanal Cheese Workshop

László Kastal, Director Caritas Artisanal Cheese Workshop

György Péter, Director Jakab Antal House

László Demeter, Biologist, National Agency for Protected Areas Head of Harghita County Department

Krisztina Sándor, Owner Almárium Restaurant

Mária Hozó, Kitchen help Almárium Restaurant

Edit Kenyeres, Kitchen help Almárium Restaurant

Erzsébet Szilágyi, Waitress Almárium Restaurant

László Tikosi, Mayor Mayor’s Office Merești/Homoródalmás

Mihály Rigó, Vice-mayor Mayor’s Office Merești/Homoródalmás

Zoltán Deák, Employe Merești/Homoródalmás Salt Bath

Enikő Deák, Employe Merești/Homoródalmás Salt Bath

István Szakács-Pál, Mayor Mayor’s Office Odorheiu Secuiesc/Székelyudvarhely

Endre Dávid, Vice-mayor Mayor’s Office Odorheiu Secuiesc/Székelyudvarhely

Lóránd Verzár, President Hospitality and Tourism Patronage of Odorheiu Secuiesc/Székelyudvarhely

Árpád Vincellér, Vice-president Hospitality and Tourism Patronage of Odorheiu Secuiesc/Székelyudvarhely

Orsolya Gál-Ördög, Secretary Hospitality and Tourism Patronage of Odorheiu Secuiesc/Székelyudvarhely

Judit Molnár, Manager Helyénvaló Helyi Shop

Melinda Benedek, Cashier Helyénvaló Helyi Shop

Kinga Katalin Csíki, Cashier Helyénvaló Helyi Shop

Árpád Orbán, President Civitas Foundation

Adorján Trucza, President / Owner Páva KulinarIQum / Páva Restaurant

Attila Szász, Marketing Manager Páva KulinarIQum / Páva Restaurant

Szidónia Jakab, Project Coordinator Páva KulinarIQum / Páva Restaurant

Orsolya Debreci, Sales Manager Páva KulinarIQum / Páva Restaurant

Natália Pál, Marketing Specialist Páva KulinarIQum / Páva Restaurant

Viola Dakó, Green Chef, Páva Restaurant

Emőke Joó, Administrator, Páva Restaurant

Endre Waiter, Páva Restaurant

Szilárd Waiter, Páva Restaurant

Mózes Szécsi, Project coordinator, Mini Transylvania Park

Timea Biró, Owner, Director SkyBar, Hotel Küküllő-Târnava

Tünde Czapp, Administrator  SkyBar, Hotel Küküllő-Târnava

Rezső Szőcs, Owner, Jamy Distillery

Melinda Szőcs, Owner, Jamy Distillery

Henrietta Anton, Graphic Designer, BoroInfo Group

Boróka Jakab, Founder, BoroInfo Group

Claudia Popa, Food Engineer, BoroInfo Group

Zoltán Pál, Owner, Magenta7 Travel

Eszter Lőrincz, Owner, Chimney cake workshop

Béla Deák, Owner, Chimney cake workshop

Erzsébet Tófalvi, Owner Amadou workshop

László Nyágrus, Mayor Mayor’s Office Praid/Parajd

Constantin Szasz Katalin, Tourism Coordinator, Salrom

Kenesi Szilard, Tourism Activity Coordinator, Salrom

Sebestyen Jozsef, Director, Salrom

Sinka Lorand, Driver, Salrom

Szabadi Tibor, Tour Guide, Salrom

Gedô Szilárd, Waiter, Páva Restaurant

Keszler Szabolcs, Waiter, Páva Restaurant

Biró Mátyás, Chef, Páva Restaurant

Pénzes Ákos, Chef, Páva Restaurant

Vécsi Dávid, Chef, Páva Restaurant

István Geréb (general manager)

Ágota Kubanek (sales manager)

Lehel Márton, Photo and video Madvertising

Levente Bege, Photo and Video Madvertising

Dávid Dénes, Photo and Video Madvertising

In conclusion, the jury met a region ready for development and the next steps. Central stakeholders have the perspectives and ideas to develop the region to an attractive international food region. The jury noted the strong emphasis on green, safe, family-friendly activities and felt this could be complimented by stronger emphasis on being a wellness region given the salt baths, mineral water and incredible variety of herbs in the region that can be enjoyed in the cuisine and teas – this is remarkable in Europe’s culinary landscape.

The jury wish to note that the Award will give extra stimulus for the stakeholders to continue and deepen their cooperation; share knowledge and cross-marketing opportunities with other awarded and candidate Regions of Gastronomy, thus providing international visibility. Visit Harghita has the knowledge and authority to lead the process in an exceptional way and the jury have every confidence that your year and the legacy thereafter will be successful.


The jury appreciated that the bid:

  • integrates the six different focus areas of IGCAT;
  • has had a genuine development with multiple stakeholders participating;
  • Includes plans for Harghita’s participation in IGCAT joint projects that show a commitment to the European dimension;
  • presents a long-term lasting legacy for the region;
  • shows a strong commitment from the regional partners to sustainability and quality food products;

The jury agreed that the exceptional food and hospitality found in Harghita, the culture and indeed harmony of culture, landscape, tangible and intangible heritage and well-being makes Harghita’s application extremely strong.

Therefore, based on the written application and visit to the region, the jury decided that Harghita region should be recommended for the title European Region of Gastronomy 2027.

The jury will submit in the coming weeks their recommendations to the region and IGCAT will approve this recommendation at the next IGCAT Advisory Forum scheduled 10 December 2024.

The jury very much hope to see preparations unfold for the region’s Award Ceremony, which will be an opportunity to share Harghita’s food treasures with the world.

Jury composition

Dr. Diane Dodd, IGCAT President accompanied the independent jury to ensure that all financial, governance and legal aspects will ensure a long-term legacy for the region. The independent jury members were:

Dr. Edith Szivas, IGCAT Vice-President and expert on sustainable tourism.

Wendy Barrie, IGCAT expert and Scottish Food Guide focussed her attention on biodiversity and environment.

Jaume Gomila, from Menorca, European Region of Gastronomy 2022 and IGCAT Expert on Culture and Education who focussed his attention on culture, citizen engagement, empowerment and educational initiatives;

Jens Storli, from Trondheim-Trøndelag, European Region of gastronomy 2022 and IGCAT expert on Local Strategy Development and Communication, focussed his attention on visibility, communication, marketing, legacy and evaluation;

About the World/ European Region of Gastronomy Award

The International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism (IGCAT) is the operative institute that oversees the management and coordination of the World and European Region of Gastronomy Award. IGCAT believes that cross-sectoral collaboration will help regions find solutions to current day challenges and thus, the Award is not only given because a region has great gastronomy but because the whole region is working together to create a more sustainable food future. IGCAT encourages not only hospitality industries to participate but everyone across the whole eco-system including public, private, NGO and academic institutions.

The first step in applying for the Award is to bring these different entities together. The next stage is to create a bid book that pulls together as many great initiatives as possible so that people within the region themselves can begin to appreciate how rich their resources are. The third stage is a jury visit that concludes with a recommendation for IGCAT Board and a report to help the region in preparing a successful journey.

Candidate and awarded Regions of Gastronomy, guided by IGCAT, are working together to strengthen food security through the celebration of distinctive food cultures; create employment by stimulating creativity and gastronomic innovation; nourish children and adults through culinary and cultural education; drive environmental sustainability in tourism, hospitality and agricultural sectors; support balance and sustainable tourism practices; highlight and support expertise from within rural and urban communities, creating connections and sharing good practises; and ultimately they contribute to community health and well-being.

11 octubre 2024