Hacking cultural tourism with “selfie” reenactments of digital heritage

VanGoYourself is the first Europeana Creative pilot launched, which went live in May 2014 as part of Culture24’s Museums at Night festival of late night openings in the UK. The website encourages people to recreate a painting with their friends and share the photograph in their social media channels. The paintings come (via Europeana) from a mix of cultural institutions like the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum, the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels or the National Gallery of Denmark and represent the richness of Europe’s cultural heritage. The site allows you to choose the level of difficulty (‘easy’ or ‘challenging for a master), as well as selecting paintings with ‘selfie’ potential or ones ‘for lovers’. The service is free and simple to use, and links up to existing widely used social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr… READ MORE