FAO Director-General focuses on apiculture and forestry with visit to Slovenia

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Qu Dongyu, visited Slovenia, European Region of Gastronomy 2021, for three days, engaging with leaders in the local apiculture and forestry sectors, traditional industries of the European country. The visit included meetings with the Slovenian Beekeeping Association to discuss collaboration and the importance of pollination.

Qu also visited ITF Enhancing Human Security to learn about their efforts in using apiculture for food security and assistance in conflict areas.

Additionally, he visited a cattle farm, met with agricultural and forestry leaders, and toured InnoRenew CoE, an institute focused on renewable materials and sustainable buildings. The visit concluded with a visit to a local wine-producing farm.

Read full original article FAO Director-General focuses on apiculture and forestry with visit to Slovenia at fao.org

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