Diane Dodd from ARTidea, represented IFACCA at the Brussels Conversations 2012. The conversatiohn is part of a series, this one entitled “A Cultural Coalition for a Citizens’ Europe”. It took place on 16-17 November in Brussels at the initiative of the European House of Culture in partnership with the Marcel Hicter Foundation, the Access to Culture Platform, and a Soul for Europe in partnership with the European Festivals Association, ENCATC, EUNIC and Felix Meritis.

The meeting attracted an audience of over 100 participants and 25 contributors from 28 countries around Europe and abroad. During the 2-day conference, panellists and the public discussed the future of the European project and citizens roles in making it a reality.

Developing citizenship in Europe and the role of arts and culture in this endeavour was the key issue addressed. This was pertinent given the impending European Year of Citizens in 2013.

Patrice Meyer-Bisch, UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and
Democracy, provided inspiration for the debates. He has researched the state of democracy and cultural rights in Europe and noted that the active involvement of citizens can be the basis for all future development at the local, national, European, and global levels.