Arts Funding Agencies from across Europe meet in Lithuania

IGCAT’s Director will attend IFACCA’s European Chapter meeting which brings together IFACCA’s national member organisations from the region. The meeting takes place in Vilnius, Lithuania on 15 – 17 September, hosted by the Lithuanian Council for Culture in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.

The agenda will include a welcome by Ms Daina Urbanavičienė, Chief Executive Officer Lithuanian Culture Council, and IFACCA Chair, Alan Davey, CEO Arts Council England. Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss joint advocacy by IFACCA and its members; challenges in structural change; engaging with the private sector; mobility within Europe and with other regions especially Asia; and a presentation will be given by Karel Bartek, Head of Policy, Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) on opportunities within the new Creative Europe programme .

In a public session on 15 September, Kristupas Sabolius, philosopher and writer; Alan Davey; Orlaith McBride; Director Arts Council Ireland; Janet Archer, CEO Creative Scotland and Sarah Gardner, Executive Director, IFACCA, will discuss Creativity at the Centre, National cultural policies, arts councils and governance arrangements in planning and decision making, ensuring arm’s length from government, on a panel moderated by Saulius Valius, from the Lithuanian Culture Council.

A full cultural programme has also been organised for IFACCA members, with visits to the National Gallery of Art and the Rupert Centre for Art, Education and Residency Programmes; a Street dance performance «Feel-Link», and a performance at the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre by Violeta Urmana and the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.


For further information on the European Chapter, and its recent activities, please visit our website: