IGCAT is Growing!

Thanks to the support of the Ajuntament de Sant Pol de Mar, IGCAT has extended its office space! This month has also seen the arrival of a dynamic and charming new team – we are pleased to welcome Davinea Galea from Malta, Nicole Lunardi and Francesca Orlandini, both postgraduate students at the University of Bologna, Italy, as well as Juan Matamoros and Annika Rösch both postgraduate students from Wageningen University, the Netherlands.

As Director of Programmes and Fundraising at IGCAT, Davinea will be leading the Interreg bid for the European Region of Gastronomy platform;  Nicole will be researching culture and food diversity and developing the Give 2.eu platform; Francesca will be working on the European Capital of Culture project and social tourism; Juan will be focused on citizen participation and audience development, and Anneke will be managing future IGCAT events.

The core IGCAT team, led by Dr. Diane Dodd, remains focused on its areas of expertise – Bernat Canal on developing databases and IT programmes and Clara Melluish on researching  gastrodiplomacy initiatives and assisting the European Region of Gastronomy platform. We are also extremely grateful for the continuous support of Nuria Castellanos Llaussas, IGCAT Associate, who edits our bimonthly Catalan Newsletter.