Intermarche's initiative to sell ugly produce a great success

Although badly shaped or ugly apples, carrots or lemons are just as flavourful, they are normally not sold in supermarkets. Growers throw such fruits and vegetables away, because they do not meet the demanded aesthetic standards and shops do not accept them because they are afraid that customers will not buy them. In the world, every year, hundreds of millions of tonnes of visually imperfect fruit and vegetables are thus discarded. The supermarket Intermarche, France’s third largest retail chain, came up with the idea of preventing such food waste. It created a special department called «Inglorious Fruits and vegetables» in which ugly fruits and vegetables are sold for about 30% cheaper prices. Intermarche created ​​a separate brand with its own logo, labels and its own advertising campaigns. Anaesthetic fruits and vegetables also started being used to produce soups and juices sold in containers labelled as «from ugly oranges», and with this, Intermarche scored an instant success. These products may be 30% cheaper, but the taste is just as good… READ MORE