Diane Dodd attended on behalf of ARTidea a meeting of the European Capitals of Culture stakeholders in Brussels, 15th October 2012.

The meeting, organised by DG Education and Culture of the European Commission put forward the Commission’s proposal (adopted in July 2012) for the the future of the European Capitals of Culture from 2020 onwards, as the current scheme expires in 2019.

The meeting brought together past, current and future ECOC representatives to explore the challenges and opportunities that being an ECOC can bring. Amongst the themes explored: citizens participations, the European dimension of the year, audience development, management models, budgets and lasting legacies.

The Commission’s proposal for 2020 and beyond, as well as the above themes and many, many more are outlined in ARTidea’s much awaited fourth edition of the European Capitals of Culture Report (published by ATLAS).