Education for Sustainability and EU GreenComp Framework event

Education for Sustainability and EU GreenComp Framework – Respond to the growing need for educating to develop the knowledge, skills & attitudes to live, work & act in a sustainable manner is the topic of the upcoming NEMOS event, to be hosted by TU Dublin on 14 March 2024.

Organised in the framework of TU Dublin Green Week 2024, in collaboration with TU Dublin’s Faculty of Sciences & Health and TU Dublin Sustainability the event will include a hybrid part joined by keynote speaker and co-author of GreenComp, Dr. Guia Bianchi who will focus on GreenComp: sustainability competences for lifelong learning, the European framework. The NEMOS partners will also give an overview of the project and the results achieved so far.

Afterwards, onsite participants will have the chance to attend one of the two parallel seminars on Education for Sustainability:

  • Societal Engagement for Sustainability Education ‘NEMOS A new educational model for the competencies acquisition of sustainability competences through service-learning’
  • Sustainability in Sciences and Health – Industry Perspectives

as well as to engage in one of the parallel workshops organised for the occasion:

  • Scaffold Workshop: Pedagogical Approaches and Competences for Sustainability.
  • Revising your Laboratory Manual for Sustainability

** For the full programme and registration (online or onsite), please visit: NEMOS event: Education for Sustainability and EU GreenComp Framework **

About the NEMOS project

The project NEMOS – A new educational model for acquisition of sustainability competences through service-learning acknowledges sustainability as an increasingly crucial skill for graduate and post-graduate students to tackle important global challenges such as climate change, food waste and the loss of biodiversity in their professional future. Therefore, the project aims to define a new educational model to integrate sustainability competences in the curricula of food-related degrees by means of service learning.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, the NEMOS project is led by the Public University of Navarra and includes the following consortium partners: Technological University Dublin (Ireland); Technological University Graz (Austria); Rhône-Alpes Higher Institute of Agriculture (France); University of Pisa (Italy); and IGCAT.