More than 1500 signatories from 120 countries demand inclusion of culture in UN sustainable development goals

The campaign launched on May 1st has so far been endorsed by more than 500  organizations worldwide. To know more about the campaign: read the Declaration and see the wide range of organizations demanding the inclusion of culture in the SDGs classified by country. In addition, use the communications tools to ask organizations and individuals that have not yet endorsed it to do so and share the most recent translations of the Declaration in ArabicPortuguese and Russian to broaden the campaign’s reach. As for social media, follow on Twitter to join the discussion online and watch the UN Special Thematic Debate on Culture and Sustainable Development and the civil society intervention. See how culture is included in the latest draft of the SDGs at the UN and our collective letter to the Open Working Group co-chairs and join the e-consultations convened by UNFPA, UNESCO and UNDP. See next steps… READ MORE