Biodiversity at risk, threatens human survival, UN forum hears

The Director-General of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Audrey Azoulay opened the UNESCO Forum on Biodiversity by pointing out that one year after its emergence, the COVID-19 pandemic has confirmed what we had already known; “by threatening biodiversity, humanity is threatening the conditions for its own survival”.

“The pandemic demonstrated that human health depends on the health of living things”, she said flagging that it is “imperative to rethink our development models”.

Biodiversity protection is at the forefront of UNESCO’s ambition along with ocean sciences “to rebuild humanities relationship with nature and with living beings”, Ms. Azoulay stated.

UNESCO is also strongly committed to enhancing education programmes dealing with the natural world, and has called on its 193 Member States to “better integrate sustainable development and nature into curricula”.

And to guarantee that education gives future generations the tools they need to save the planet, the UN agency is compiling a global framework of best practices in the field.

Read full article Biodiversity at risk, threatens human survival, UN forum hears at

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