Young Chefs take the spotlight

International press coverage of the European Young Chef Award 2017 has been huge. The competition held last 6 November in Sant Pol de Mar, Barcelona, organised by IGCAT in collaboration with and hosted by the University College for Hospitality and Culinary Arts EUHT StPOL has received press coverage in at least eight European countries.

The Award aims to highlight regional food peculiarities, promote innovation through tradition and the use of local products as underlined by the Spanish mainstream newspaper La Vanguardia which published the news both in its printed and online versions. It reported the precious words from the Celebrity Greek Chef Argiro Barbarigou who described her work to the finalists: «My heart beats in the kitchen because it is where I want to be and this is the most important thing». Moreover, the Spanish gastronomic magazines Saber y Sabor and 7canibales reported on the competition in their online versions. As well as the online platform Technoreca dedicated to the horeca sector.

Gemma Moliner, a renowned food journalist published an extensive article on The Gourmet Journal website describing the development of the competition as well as the dishes presented by the eight talented chefs.

The competition also received extensive press coverage in Ireland, Finland and Slovenia.

The announcement of the winner Aisling Rock, Galway – West of Ireland has been reported by different Irish newspapers, the online article written on the Irish Time titled: 21-year-old Irish woman named ‘Best Young Chef in Europe’ underlined how the jury not only considered the taste and aesthetics of the dish, but also the presentation which highlighted the dish’s cultural connections to the region. Moreover, the Galway Advertiser and the Connacht Tribune, announced the winner on their online version, as well as the website of the Galway’s local radio station Galway BayFm. Aisling has also been hosted on radio.

In Finland, the national public-broadcasting company website, Yle, as well as the North-Savo newspaper Savon Sanomat and the Science, education and culture website reported about the event and the silver medal brought by Josi Polso – Kuopio thanks to his modern version of blueberry traditional pie at the European Young Chef Award. Moreover they highlighted the aims of the Award as a way to promote local food culture and as a springboard for the finalists who signed the Regional Young Chef Ambassadors programme thus committing to support and promoting regional cuisine and local products.

In Slovenia, the European Young Chef Award received extensive press coverage, an article about the third place gained by Filip Matjaž and his future plans was published on the first page of the most visited news website The local news website Regional Obala as well as the University of Primorska newsletter covered the competition and the possibility for Slovenia to join the Regions of Gastronomy platform. Filip was also hosted by the national TV Slovenia 1 and by the Regional radio station Capris in a live show.

Other full articles concerning the competition as well as the other finalists include:

Stiri de SIBIU

The award aims to celebrate the cultural and food diversity in Europe. It considers traditions developed over centuries as the vital ‘DNA’ of food cultures and regional gastronomy as well as local knowledge and important potential tool to innovate products and experiences. It aims to stimulate debate about sustainable food and gastronomy practices, production and consumption.

About the European Region of Gastronomy

The European Region of Gastronomy Platform and Award aim to contribute to better quality of life in European regions, by highlighting distinctive food cultures, educating for better health and sustainability and stimulating gastronomic innovation. Candidate regions are invited to join a knowledge-exchange platform of European regions in order to further cross-border collaborations and develop shared initiatives.


IGCAT is a non-profit organisation established in 2012 working in the fields of gastronomy, culture, arts and tourism. Through its worldwide network of experts, IGCAT aims to empower local communities by guiding, facilitating, and supporting local leaders in cities, regions and cultural projects to understand the potential of their distinct food, culture, arts and sustainable tourism assets.

IGCAT is furthermore the official secretariat for the Region of Gastronomy Platform and provides the European Region of Gastronomy Award, the European Young Chef Award and the Innovative Food Souvenir Award.