Timisoara, together with Arad will be European Capital of Culture in 2021

IGCAT congratulates Timisoara following its announcement as Romania’s European Capital of Culture in 2021. The European Commission made the announcement on Friday, September 16 after four Romanian cities were short-listed for the title: the capital Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Baia Mare, and Timisoara. An expert committee made of 10 representatives of the European Commission, the Council of Europe, and the European Parliament, and 2 experts appointed by Romania’s Ministry of Culture selected the winner, after looking over the strategies presented by the four cities on Wednesday and Thursday. Arad, sister city to Timisoara is involved in the bid and hopes to develop plans for a new cultural industries hub. IGCAT worked with Arad in the first round of the bidding and noted the great enthusiasm within the city to develop its cultural infrastructure.