Empowering local communities through interdisciplinary training

IGCAT is an international interdisciplinary network of experts aiming to empower and facilitate local communities to realise the potential of their distinct food, culture, arts, sustainable tourism and other local resources.

This network, from different countries and disciplines (cultural and tourism managers, professors, researchers, consultants) contribute to the enrichment and further development of dialogue, investigation and activities in this expanding field.

In particular, IGCAT trains to support capacity building, skills and knowledge for social, cultural and economical development in cities and regions and initiate projects that engage wide stakeholder groups through a service-learning model.

On the occasion of the 3rd Annual Experts’ Meeting, on 31 May 2016, IGCAT experts started developing an integrated and intersectorial training module in order to provide local communities with guidance for projects such as the European Capital of Culture and the European Region of Gastronomy, and increase their know-how and skills in events and destination management, sustainable development, cultural and arts entrepreneurship, ultimately helping them to connect the missing gaps and create links between these sectors.