Galway, West of Ireland launches Candidate, European Region of Gastronomy 2018 website
Galway, West of Ireland has launched a new website in order to highlight its gastronomy strengths as a candidate to hold the European Region of Gastronomy award in 2018. The website highlights the focus areas that Galway is working on in its candidature bid and explains the principles of the European Region of Gastronomy Platform that it joined this year in preparation for its candidature.
It is hoped that through the European Region of Gastronomy Platform and by holding the Award in 2018, Galway – West of Ireland will be able to give international visibility to the quality food offer in the region. The website states that if the bid to become European Region of Gastronomy in 2018 is successful, it will be very exciting and important. Not only will it promote Galway and the West of Ireland region as a Food Tourism destination internationally, but more importantly it will help create a legacy of improved food quality for future generations while supporting local food producers and food traditions. For more details, visit Galway, West of Ireland region website here:
Galway, West of Ireland team have been busy meeting with stakeholders to ensure full support from all leading players in the region (public, private, third sector and academic institutions). The deadline to present the 2018 bid book to IGCAT (International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism) is 31 January 2016 and a presentation will be made to a jury of international IGCAT experts in March 2016.  IGCAT (International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism) is a network of global experts who select and award the title European Region of Gastronomy to 2-3 regions each year, with the support of leading European Institutions.