How Uber and Airbnb Are Winning Over Business Travelers in 9 Charts

The formerly-sharing-economy—now more accurately called the rental economy—is now in full disruption mode, not just at the edges. Consumers have already spoken with their apps, especially for companies like Uber and Airbnb, and now the big change is coming to the hitherto relatively hidebound corporate travel sector.
The data shows that Uber is very mainstream in United States now, and for the first time starting in the second quarter this year is now more popular among business travelers than taxis as a percent of all rides, a seminal moment if there ever was one for the business traveler transport economy. While ridesharing pioneer Uber continues to gain ground against direct competitors and traditional ground transportation. The data also shows that business travelers are starting to choose Airbnb over hotels at an increasing rate, though still in early stages.

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