Sign the petition to stop wasting a third of all the food we grow, and to stop tens of millions of children going to bed hungry each night

One third of the food we grow gets wasted, not eaten. But an amazing movement in France just won a law making supermarkets give unsold produce to the poor and homeless. The whole EU is consulting on how to stop supermarkets cancelling vast orders of food farmers have grown for them. And the UN is agreeing a goal to halve food waste. We call on you to pass laws obliging supermarkets to donate unsold food, publish their waste data, and establishing authorities to investigate supermarkets’ unfair treatment of suppliers, such as dumping waste onto farmers. We call on you to launch national action plans to achieve the UN goal of halving food waste by 2030. Nothing is more central to how we live as a global human race than finding ways to feed everyone. If we now join together the burgeoning food waste movement and the Avaaz community around the world, we can feed the hungry and remove the huge pressure on poor farmers and our precious environment.

Sign the petition here