Evaluating the Routes of Jewish Heritage

IGCAT’s Director submitted an evaluation report on the Routes of Jewish Heritage to the European Institute of Cultural Routes on the 11th January 2015. The Routes of Jewish Heritage is managed by the European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage (AEPJ),which aims to preserve and promote Jewish culture and heritage in Europe.  This is the fifth evaluation exercise that Dr. Diane Dodd has participated in. Previously, she has evaluated Al Andalus Routes, The Chocolate Way (candidate route), The Viking Route and the Route of the Olive Tree.

The Cultural Routes Programme is supported by both the Council of Europe and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and seeks to empower Europe by preserving its common grounds and celebrating free movement across cultural spaces. It does so by awarding the European Cultural Routes title to notable cultural routes throughout Europe.

‘The idea of enabling Europeans to rediscover, in their spare time, a tourist cultural practice turned towards great transborder, even continental, routes, which influenced the history of cultural relations and which for centuries supported exchanges and blending, imposes itself upon our contemporaries as one of the “instruments of cultural action and free movement of ideas and people”. You can find out more about the programme by following this link.

Dr. Diane Dodd also took part in an intermediary meeting of experts for the Council of Europe’s Cultural Routes programme on 9 December in Luxembourg.