Publication: The Institute für Kulturkonzepte, based in Vienna and Hamburg, have published, for the third time, “An Anatomy of Arts Management” in their range of specialist books on arts management including articles in English and German. This year the articles are influenced by the development of arts management and relate to important trends in this area.The Institut für Kulturkonzepte in Vienna is celebrating its 15th year since its founding, whilst the Institut für Kulturkonzepte in Hamburg has reached the five-year milestone.

Volume 3 of An Anatomy of Arts Management focuses mainly on future perspectives, entrepreneurial arts management and transcultural work.

The first chapter includes an article by Giep Hagoort and an interview with Erich Pöttschacher, both looking at future prospects for art entrepreneurs.

The next contributions relate to entrepreneurial arts management: Birgit Mandel explains the potentially positive practical effects of greater academic demands in arts management. Leo Hemetsberger adopts a philosophical approach as he sheds light on the future tasks of management personnel in arts institutions.

Accounts of specific projects help illustrate which new structures and content are relevant to those arts institutions with an international dimension. Sandra Chatterjee introduces the Post Natyam Collective which has developed its very own collective and transcultural organisational form in dance and dance theory. Margaret Tali and Laura Pierantoni report on new approaches to museum funding in central and eastern Europe. Gesa Birnkraut describes what she learned – and the challenges she faced – when she set about training African arts managers. This volume is rounded off by two highly practical articles: Isgard Rhein and Birgit Schaarschmidt provide current information on rights of use, whilst Horst Dahmen reflects on real security risks faced by arts institutions.

With the launch of the volumes of An Anatomy of Arts Management the institutes establish a new link between research and practice in the field of arts management. This has been brought about by interdisciplinary contributions on a host of different themes an areas of activity. The first volume was published in 2007.
AuthorGesa Birnkraut, Karin Wolf
ISBN: 2147483647

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