Members consulted for new Agenda 21 Culture

According to the circular 95 sent by Agenda 21 Culture, the process of producing a new Agenda 21 for culture was approved by UCLG in 2013. It continues in 2014 with several formats, including a Pilot Cities programme, and will end with the Culture Summit of UCLG which is being planned for the beginning of 2015. The new document will be built on the achievements of Agenda 21 for culture and update its recommendations. It will be more clearly oriented to the implementation of policies. It will provide more space to promote intelligence, good practices and networking, with more exchanges (peer-review, expertise) among the cities in a global network. You are invited to download, disseminate and comment the first draft of the new A21C. The next meeting of the Committee on Culture will take place in Buenos Aires on 29 September – 3 October 2014 and will discuss this draft in depth. Please book these dates. Should you require any additional information, do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat of the Committee: