Feeding the 5,000 addresses food waste with free meals in Union Square

Estimates claim that up 63 million tons of perfectly safe food finds its way not onto plates, but into massive landfills. Yet approximately 49 million Americans live in food-insecure homes, while every year, $218 billion worth of food is wasted in the USA. To bring more attention on the issue, Feedback – a U.K. – based environmental non-profit dedicated to ending waste throughout the food system – has started its U.S campaign.

On Tuesday, May 10, the organization and its partners (including the Rockefeller Foundation, NRDC, EPA, GRACE communications, and dozens more) will be hosting the first New York City Feeding the 5,000 event on the north of Union Square. This festival is aimed at educating the public about waste by providing 5,000 random individuals with free meals. The dishes will be entirely composed of fresh ingredients that would have been trashed – collected from farms, wholesalers, and food retailers.

Read original article at villagevoice.com