IGCAT visits Arad candidate European Capital of Culture 2021

The International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism supports the candidature of Arad in Romania, to be European Capital of Culture in 2021. IGCAT has designed a specific training package for Arad base don identified needs that the city has. The first block of the training and workshops to support key stakeholders in Arad was delivered by Diane Dodd and Mary Miller, 21-22 May 2015. The block concentrated on the foundations for the first bid book – the needs and aims of the city, the vision, the priorities for the program, and how Arad could articulate this with the European Agenda in mind.

Mary Miller and Diane Dodd both concluded that the overall impression of Arad and the bid team are tremendously positive. There is recognition of the challenges that the city faces, and a willingness to develop a programme that meets those challenges. The Arad 2021 team is capable and enthusiastic and should be able to produce a good bid. Key stakeholders and leaders of community groups are starting to grasp their role in the project and there is a significant effort being made to involve citizens in the process. Arad as a city has many assets that should help build a strong bid, including tangible and intangible heritage, a peaceful intercultural city, good energy and hidden gems such as fort.