Barbados must focus on sustainable fishing

Barbados stands to net major gains if it focuses on sustainable fishing. Not only will it reduce the food import bill, but help Barbadians adopt healthier eating habits. This was emphasised by Nikola Simpson, a member of Slow Food Barbados and a director of the recently formed and related initiative Slow Fish.

“For small-island developing states like Barbados our oceans are a critical element to our survival. We rely on them for the oxygen that we breathe, fisheries, tourism, transport and more. However, the oceans face many threats including coastal development, pollution, overfishing, climate change and the introduction of invasive species,” information on the Slow Fish venture stated.

Simpson told BARBADOS BUSINESS AUTHORITY that to spread the message about this initiative there would be visits to fish markets and landing sites. This was in addition to sharing of information about them and the promotion of sustainable fisheries in an effort to help people understand what it is and why it is necessary. Research would also be undertaken.

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