Declaration on the Inclusion of Culture in the Sustainable Development Goals puts pressure on UN debate as zero draft is about to be finalized

The endorsement from 120 countries has reached 1,800 signatories since May 1st, including more than 600 organizations. Debate is on this week at the UN to strengthen added reference to culture in the preamble, under education programs (Goal 4), reduced inequality (Goal 10), sustainable cities (Goal 11), sustainable consumption and production (Goal 12) and inclusive societies (Goal 16). The zero draft of SDGs will then be submitted for debate at the General Assembly in September. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will also submit his report on the implementation of the December 2013 resolution on culture and sustainable development with input from national consultations scheduled in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ecuador, Serbia, Mali, Morocco and results of the e-consultations led by UNFPA, UNESCO and UNDP. What you can do? Visit Coalition for Cultural Diversity and Culture2015goal for more information.