Report – Cultural diplomacy as discipline and practice

Contemporary international relations see an increasing role for cultural diplomacy as a foreign policy tool. The proliferation of international cultural relations managed by non-state actors moved also governmental actors to reshape and to reinvigorate their government-driven cultural diplomacy.

At the same time, the EU has shown an increasing interest in cultural diplomacy and cultural relations,  to make, as Federica Mogherini clearly stated, culture “an integral part of the external action of the European Union.”

To this purpose, the European Networks of Institutes of Culture (EUNIC Global) commissioned the Department of Social, Political, and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Siena a report to survey existing cultural diplomacy training and research activities and  to assess the training needs of the cultural diplomat of the future, as seen from practitioners and academics. This report was conducted between March and November 2016 and it addresses two main issues.

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