Top scientists warn the most commonly used herbicide in the world probably causes cancer!

According to AVAAZ, Glyphosate brings in $6 billion per year and is the basis of RoundUp, the chemical cornerstone of Monsanto’s Genetically Modified empire. AVAAZ claims that RoundUP ignored studies showing glyphosate are unsafe. But these scientists are 17 of the world’s top oncology experts and comprehensively reviewed independent studies.

AVAAZ further claims that regulators rely mainly on tests done by the companies trying to sell the poisons! Key results are kept from the public because they contain ‘commercially confidential information’, and 58% of the scientific panels in the EU Food and Safety Agency are linked to the sector.

Some countries have already put bans on glyphosate. Now with the EU, the US, Canada, and Brazil are all reviewing it, so AVAAZ has launched a campaign:

In 48 hours, European regulators could approve glyphosate mainly based on faulty studies provided by the chemical companies producing glyphosate! AVAAZ is asking us all to send an urgent message to the Commission to demand they ban the pesticide until a full independent study is done that proves it is safe…

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