The importance of U.S. market for food tourism in Italy

At the end of June Roberta Garibaldi, italian expert for IGCAT, took part in the 6th ICOT conference, together with many other experts from all over the world. During the conference, important questions were addressed, such as: what have been/will be the most significant changes in tourism demand and supply? what does the tourist look for nowadays? how do cultural events foster local development? what new combination of cooperation and competition would work better in tourist destinations? Furthermore, the conference has been an important occasion to discuss the relationship between food and tourism as well as to confront and share international experiences. On this regard, Roberta Garibaldi presented an interesting study on the importance of the U.S. market for food tourism in Italy.

IGCAT – International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism – is an international interdisciplinary network of experts aiming to empower and facilitate local communities to realise the potential of their distinct food, culture, arts, sustainable tourism and other local resources.

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