Remote work as an opportunity for professional development

Remote work has undoubtedly gained critical prominence in recent years. As we know very well and since the pandemic, online and hybrid ways of working have come significantly to the fore and there is no looking back.

The increasing digital transformation of the labour market, brings about considerable opportunities for higher education graduates. However, this potential might remain highly untapped if universities are not prepared to help their students grow into digital-ready workers.

For over two years now, the Erasmus+ co-financed project ON-IT – Online Internship in Tourism has been researching and building tools to develop meaningful online and hybrid internships. The main aim is to support students in acquiring the necessary skills to succeed in their future professional life, in which remote work will seemingly play a significant role.

The ON-IT seminar on Exploring Remote Work for Professional Development, hosted by the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism of the University of La Laguna, Tenerife, on 22 May 2023, focused precisely on this topic.

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Photo credit: ON-IT Project