A Nordic Transition

Over the last ten years, a group of top chefs, food journalists and other key players in the food world have been used the  “Manifesto for the New Nordic Cuisine” to promote Nordic cuisine in a number of contexts. Much of the manifesto was inspired by the principle of Slow Food, calling for embrace regional traditional foods, along with respect for seasonality, diversity, animal welfare, sustainability and artisanal production.

One of the most important things has been that the Nordic countries are proud of being something special, they have found an identity. Before, traditional products were not highly valued. However, over the past 10 years, people have become more aware of the value that tradition can have within a concept of modernity.

The slogan of the Nordic Countries is “small is beautiful”. It applies to different culture and geography characteristics. The amazing about it, is that they are using this slogan to promote local and artisanal production.

Read original article at slowfood.com