Culture as a priority for cities, regional and local governments

SAVE THE DATE: The United Cities and Local Government (UCLG) Culture Summit will be hosted by the City of Bilbao, on the 18th until the 20th of March 2015. The process to elaborate the new Agenda 21 for culture was initiated by the Committee on Culture in 2013 through subsequent debates in Lille-Métropole, Buenos Aires and Rabat, and will continue in 2014, with meetings, seminars, articles, questionnaires and visits to pilot cities. The process will conclude with a major event: a “Culture Summit of UCLG”, when a new document on culture and local sustainable development will be presented. The UCLG World Council of Rabat in October 2013 confirmed the importance of culture as a key component of sustainable development and a consequent priority for cities, regional and local governments committing to renew the Agenda 21 for Culture…READ MORE