Fiji Successfully Hosts UNWTO Joint Commission Meeting

Fiji and the Pacific Region, for the first time hosted the United National World Tourism Organisation’s (UNWTO) 30th Joint Meeting of the Commission of East Asia and Pacific (CAP) and Commission of the South Asian (CSA).

The Joint Commission Meeting was preceded by a Regional Seminar on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism Development and had over 130 delegates attending from the East Asia, South Asia, Pacific region, including Fiji, Vanuatu, Samoa, to name a few.

The main objective of the Regional Seminar was to identify challenges faced in tourism development in the region and how these could be addressed through various mechanisms and initiatives.

The Seminar also focused on strengthening governance and management mechanisms to ensure that tourism serves as a positive force, minimising environmental impact, helping conserve biodiversity and contribute to the wellbeing of local communities.

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